Wednesday 24 April 2013

Crash Course in Islamic Ideology.......................from Dan Freidman

If you still don’t understand the Islamic world, this short video will teach you all you need to know.

1 comment:

Exsullent said...

The entire Book of Obadiah confirms God's utter destruction of today's Muslim threat. ("Edom" = the descendants of Esau.)

Ezekiel 35 - 36th chapters confirm the same thing, stating the reason: because Edom harbored an ancient hostility toward Isra'el "after the time of their punishment was complete" (i.e, AFTER their re-gathering to the Promised Land, in 1948), God "swears with uplifted hand" to make them utterly desolate.

These verses are all prophetic. And since it has not happened, yet, Hallelujah - We know that it will!