Tuesday 12 February 2019

Why They Want To Replace White People...................

H/T Pete H


Anonymous said...

Interesting that I see "no comments"... a post that is 9 days old... can it be that people are afraid TO AGREE AT THE CHANCE OF BEING CALLED
"RACIST", great silencing term of the Left? I agree with her post. The White male is the most endangered species on the planet.

If you can't see this, I challenge any reader to show mw an organization with "White" in the name... eg "white businessmen's association" or anything like that...

White men are the main target of the term "Racist"...

but we fight on....

Matt said...

Agreed... I posted this on my facebook page and also got NO comments... I went back twice to see if FB removed it...
Like you said, maybe folks are afraid of being called "racist" to the extent that they won't stand up for themselves..

"I yam what I yam"... Popeye