Friday 11 September 2015

Never forget, never forgive.................from Rico

You know what 9-11 was, and what it still means.
How many heinous outrages must be inflicted upon those whose only 'guilt' is to be "infidels, kaffirs, non-Muslims" before the West wakes up and understands that (a) they are at war, like it or not, and the instigators fly the black flag of 'no quarter,' (b) "progressive" hand-wringing and thenthitivity is suicidal in the face of murdering medieval savages, and (c) there are neither "moderate" nor "good" Muslims, and civilized humanity must either extinguish them all or itself perish at their hands.
What a shame that all of Europe's and America's "leaders" combined lack the testicular fortitude in just one of Pamela Gellar's or Ann Barnhardt's balls......................

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