
Saturday 7 May 2016

#NeverHillary..........................from Rico

Many wish the GOPe* had made a fraction of the effort to stop Obama and his ruinous behavior that they made trying to stop Cruz and Trump.
- They wasted valuable time and resources that could have been put to much better use.
It's past time for the GOPe to just stop, drop, and roll all the #NeverTrump and #NeverCruz BS and focus on (as Hillary the collectivist might say it) the "common good" which is clearly #NeverHillary.
*How to define the GOPe? Boehner is a perfect poster child for them. Perfectly OK working with Pelosi-Reid and Obama for eight years, but cannot abide Cruz?

1 comment:

  1. Mark Matis18:05

    And Lyin' Ryan is merely "Weepy" from Wisconsin.

    Yet the GOPe still tout him as "conservative". Well indeed he may be. An NRO conservative. Nancy Pelosi without the balls.
