Thursday 24 January 2008

Golf Joke

This morning, one of my regular golfing days, I got up early, put on my long johns, dressed quietly, made coffee, grabbed my clubs, slipped quietly into the garage, loaded my clubs into the car and proceeded to back it out into a torrential downpour.

There was snow mixed with the rain and the wind was blowing 50 mph. I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio for a few minutes and discovered that the weather would be bad throughout the day. I went back into the house, quietly undressed and slipped back into bed. There I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation and whispered huskily, 'The weather out there is terrible.'

She sleepily replied, 'I know. Can you believe my husband is out golfing in that shit?'

H/T Jeffrey Nihart


Mystery Meat said...

My favorite golf jokes:

1- The bride and groom stand before the minister. The bride notices the groom's golf clubs are leaning against the altar. Bride says, "Why did you bring your golf clubs to church?" The groom replies, "How long is going to take?"

2- A golfer is getting ready to tee off. He sees a funeral procession coming down the road. He takes off his cap and bows his head until the procession has passed. One of his buddies asks why he did that? He replies, "I've been married to her for 35 years."

Mystery Meat said...

Correction: How long is THIS going to take?