Sunday 6 January 2008

The Sunday Best....

Coughlin sacked. Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon specialist on Islamic law and Islamist extremism, has been fired from his position on the military's Joint Staff.

China Rues The Waves. The Chinese have a weakness. It is time to make plans to exploit it.

Will Super Delegates save Hillary. Nothing like a spot of 'vote rigging' to save the day.

New Hampshire: Obama 37% Clinton 27% Hillary should be down and out but she isn't.

Diana author names Tom Cruise as 'World Number Two in Scientology'. Another shortass megalomaniac.

Stolen: Top secret entry codes to 73 police stations. Nick nicked!!

An energy saving bulb has gone - evacuate the room now! Ooops, I have dozens of the bloody things.

'My voice is gravel and potholes...but it's mine': Neil Diamond on being newly cool. Pity he is a Democrat.

Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims. Welcome to modern 'Christian' Britain.

HMS Diana: the ship that went nuclear. A 'slight' disregard for the safety of our servicemen.

Israel warns of Iranian missile peril for Europe. Sadly no-one in power will listen until a European City is a 'car-park'. I nominate Brussels. I stand by my prediction that someone somewhere will detonate a nuclear device this year.

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