Monday 11 February 2008

Bloody Chinks at it again.....

'Shuttle Secrets Stolen For China'. Why the hell are people of Chinese extraction being employed in sensitive areas? We have known for years that the Chinese cannot be trusted and yet we continue to let things like this happen. If we do not take the threat from China as seriously as the threat from Islamofascism we will get a rude awakening that will make Pearl Harbour look like the Boston Tea Party!!!


Thud said...

My chink wife is as english as me..regardless of whatever anybody may for as big a threat as islam..dream on.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I bought an "MP4" player from a service station for 25 quids,

Not only does it not have a brand name - it doesnt play MP4s - AT ALL.

Bloody chinese.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea my friend. As we remain distracted by the pestering insects the Grizzly is watching.

Anonymous said...

If China WANTED to REALLY hurt America, it would as easy as this:

1. Ask for return on one trillion+ dollars they have loaned to U.S.

2. Shut down exports.

Because of that economic bomb, there isn't much the U.S. CAN do.

I don't know about Britain's situation with China, but I bet it's not that much better.