Thursday 14 February 2008

What's this?

You can buy it from

H/T 45 Govt


Zundfolge said...

Nifty, a Boyes .55cal rifle!

Keep in mind that in the states if you want it, you'll have to pony up an extra $200 to the BATFE, register the gun with them, get your local "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" to sign off on it and you'll have to live in a state that allows serfs to own weapons classified under the 1934 National Firearms Act as "Destructive Devices" (any rifle over .50).

But hey, if the Krauts ever invade, you'll be ready!

(damn, that Bruce Stern character had a heck of a collection!)

Anonymous said...

My old man was issued with one and he was only 5ft 10in tall and
10&1/2 stone in weight wringing wet quickly swapped it with a big Irish guy in their Reg and got a Bren in exchange and they both thought they had the best part of the swop!