Wednesday 19 March 2008

Fully loaded Ilyushin II-76 cargo plane needs every inch of the runway.

The comments from the control tower are priceless.

H/T Ted Foster


Anonymous said...

"I'm running out of film but I have enough to tape the crash"


Anonymous said...

Either Ivan doesn't understand Max Takeoff Weight or he can calculate takeoff data to about 15 decimal points!

duke said...

As an A T Cntlr (now retired) I watched more than a few "similar" t/o's and they weren't all IL76's. The in-tower comments that surrounded such displays were certainly 'operating room humour' with fingers crossed (behind one's back) and a silent prayer that the thing would actually get airborne. While I can't name the national airlines I witnessed, I do say that it allowed me to know which carriers ticket counters to bypass! And I've seen one that was more spectacular than this one!! (blew over the first 4 rows of high-intensity lighting bars).

rhhardin said...

There's no point wearing out the wings while there's perfectly good runway under the wheels.