Monday 21 April 2008

Article of the Day.......

24 Hours on the 'Big Stick'.P J O'Rourke goes to sea.

H/T Maggie's Farm


Baht At said...

Now Pj O Rourke is a mighty fine writer with his head firmly screwed on the right way but I have to wonder whether senility is setting in when he says ". But the USA can blow up .  .  . gosh, where to start?" ....

The USA spent years bouncing the rubble in Afghanistan and somehow the little buggers are still there freely engaging in their national sport of stick the occupier's head on a pole.

Aircraft carriers don't seem very impotent when you can even beat a few cavemen with guns.

Anonymous said...

Yeh McCain is really who the world needs with his finger on the button.

McCain is probably the most unstable man ever to have got this close to the White House. He’s one election away from it. Republican senator Thad Cochrane has openly said he trembles at the thought of an unstable McCain in the Oval Office with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

Put it another way: how psychologically twisted is McCain? And what actually happened to him in his POW camp that twisted him? Was it abuse, as he claims, or was it the fact that he collaborated and has to cover up? Covering-up can take a lot of energy. The truth is lurking there in his subconscious, waiting to explode.

McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, “I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital

McCain was held for five and half years. The first two weeks’ behavior might have been pragmatism, but McCain soon became North Vietnam’s go-to collaborator…..McCain cooperated with the North Vietnamese for a period of three years. His situation isn’t as innocuous as that of the French barber who cuts the hair of the German occupier. McCain was repaying his captors for their kindness and mercy.

Anonymous said...

Awesome boat, awesome people.

Brian said...

Excellent article about brilliant people. I'm glad the USN is on our side.

steveH said...


Once again I think your confusion can be alleviated. The part of the article to which you refer was talking about nuclear-capable nations, like Russia and China and Kazahkstan.

Just in case you hadn't noticed, there haven't been all that many nuclear weapons expended in Afghanistan so far.

And your "cavemen with guns" do also seem to have a safe haven to retreat to, for R&R and replacing thing losses. Someplace called Pakistan, in whose Tribal areas the Pakistani government will hardly venture.

It's not rocket science, Ace.

Baht At said...

Ah yes pakistan - the country the US paid to train the savages.

Kazahkstan? Nuclear capable since when? Oh you mean like iraq was. PMSL.

In any event he wasn't talking about nuclear capable nations since the full quote was: "Russia can barely blow up Chechnya. China can blow up Tibet, maybe, and possibly Taiwan. And the EU can't blow up Liechtenstein. But the USA can blow up .  .  . gosh, where to start?"

I do wish the dimwits would read what I comment about before leaping in with their justifications of US impotence.