Monday 7 April 2008

Breaking news: Olympic Torch Snuffed Out

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1 comment:

Keir said...

After London prostituted itself to Chinese Gestapo allowed into the country to throw Englishmen who wanted to be heard in their own country into the ground, this is wonderful news. "Like many people in the UK we feel that China has no right parading the Olympic torch through London,” one said. Another protester who broke through the police cordon in London said his anger flared at the sight of British sports stars being guarded in London by these Chinese security men. “It makes us complicit in the regime’s repression. You have to ask: Where were these security men last week? Beating up people in the villages of China, no doubt.” The British government may have no morality and is quick to sell itself and the country to whoever's at hand, but at least the people still understand the lessons of appeasing fascists which Churchill had so eloquently warned about at Fulton.