Thursday 3 April 2008


Max Mosley mentions the War in 'orgy' row


Anonymous said...

cut it out theo.

He wasnt being a nazi - he was visiting hookers and shooting his wad.

Being horny makes us all do things we regret later. Have you never woken up with a boot faced Cindy Sheehan Haridan?!?

You should see whats in my head, sometimes I imagine I'm shagging a woman who is not my wife.

If there wasnt a scummy slimy camera crew there, you wouldnt even know about it.

Leave the guy alone. He is not his father. There are plenty of real nazis out there.

Anonymous said...

if you want to see real Nazis, check out this website from Britain's Prime Minister.

Are Gordon Brown's Blue Swastikas for democratic Labour Nazis?