Monday 21 April 2008

H/T Mark Scott

Judgment Day looms for Hillary Clinton the wrecker. Both Democrat candidates are unfit to govern a bowel movement! If they are the best that the loony liberals can drag up then the Democrats are finished and about time too.

HILLARY’S TERRORIST TIES. These are going to wreck her.


Anonymous said...

Wreck her? Having ties to terrorists is just something the Democrats do. It has been that way ever since the IRA.

Anonymous said...

Linked it at Liberty Peak. Thanks, Theo.

Anonymous said...

Why I am surprised at all?
Its like peeling an onion, one layer after another.

Bag said...

Sadly the Democrates are not finished. It's just at the moment two loony causes collide.

1) Women
2) Race

Now if there had been a black woman in the mix they would have won every time. Let's just hope Hillary fights right to the end and causes a rebellion in the Democrats. So hope she wins, by a little bit but not to much, today.