Monday 28 April 2008

Light news....

Labour MPs warn embattled Brown to stay off local election campaign trail. It would be better if he left the country never to return.

Teenage Iraqi girl who fell in love with BRITISH soldier in Basra is murdered by her own father in honour killing. Welcome to Islam!

Robert Mugabe's men kill five-year-old boy. Many more will die before Mugabe goes.

World food crisis turns rice into gold. My local shop has it on offer this week.


Anonymous said...

The U.S. invasion and the Bush administration's initial occupation policies decisively smashed Iraq's fragile "national" sense of self. Since then, the Bush administration, a motor for chaos and fragmentation, has destroyed the national (if dictatorial) government, allowed the capital and much of the country (as well as its true patrimony of ancient historical objects and sites) to be looted, disbanded the Iraqi military, and deconstructed the national economy. Ever since, whatever the administration rhetoric, the U.S. has only presided over the further fragmentation of the country. Its military, in fact, employs a specific policy of urban fragmentation in which it regularly builds enormous concrete walls around neighborhoods, supposedly for "security" and "reconstruction," that actually cut them off from their social and economic surroundings. And, of course, Iraq has in these years been fragmented in other staggering ways with an estimated four-plus million Iraqis driven into exile abroad or turned into internal refugees.

Unknown said...

Who wouldn't kill their daughter if she fell in love with some low-life squaddie. Obviously she came from a family with a bit of class and breeding.

Electro-Kevin said...

Who needs rice anyway ?

Apparently she ignored intel warnings about 9/11

Anonymous said...

I hope Brown stays up until the general election. People have short memories (hell, they voted Labour back in in 1997), and he needs to be there right up till the point people cast their vote to act as a very real reminder of he and his party's criminal negligence.
Honour killing a young girl because she had the temerity of falling for an infidel? Religion of Peace.

Unknown said...

Sorry gibby,

"Honour killing a young girl because she had the temerity of falling for an infidel?"

They didn't kill her because she fell or an infidel, they killed her because she fell for a commoner, much like yourself. If she'd fallen for an officer or similar public school educated lad her family wouldn't have had a problem.

Anonymous said...

When her father learned she had been seen speaking to a foreigner he rushed home and butchered her, strangling and stabbing her while screaming that he was "cleansing his honour".

Right. I'm sure if the soldier had been an officer he'd've been all like, 'Come in, come in! Can I get you some falafel?'

Anonymous said...

Regarding dishonor killings, here are a couple ideas:

1. Why don't we start economically boycotting countries that continue to treat their women like this and the companies that do business with them? We could do for women what the boycott of South Africa did for blacks when they were living under apartheid.

2. Why don't we write to our representatives and leaders and demand that they withhold some meaningful portion of our aid to these countries unless and until they materially, measurably, sustainably improve their human rights track records?

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"