Monday 14 April 2008


The Oil Connection. What is Hillary's connection to Oil for Fraud?

More than 2m untaxed and uninsured drivers are laughing at the law as prosecution rates more than halve in eight years. Driving without tax and insurance should carry a penalty of £10,000 fine and 6 months in a chain gang.

The drinks are on us: Whitehall's wining and dining bill costs the taxpayer £5m. Greedy pigs. Off to slaughter for the lot of them.

Revealed: The £1.5bn we waste on welfare every year because Britain's benefits system 'is out of date'. Time to end the 'welfare state'. It is a joke. too many people are getting benefits who don't need or deserve them.

Soaring food costs risk 'starvation and unrest'. This century is shaping up to be a real doozy.

Bill Clinton's China links embarrass Hillary. Ho hum.

Moose to roam free again in Scotland. Cool.

Zimbabwe ballot recount triggers rigging fears. No S**t. Mugabe will steal the election and nobody will do a thing to stop him.

Gordon Brown believes Zimbabwe fate must be left to its neighbours. Gordon Brown is a gutless prick, and he won't do a thing to stop Mugabe. free polls
Should the UK and US take down Mugabe?
Yes No   

Caught in the crunch – 4,000 estate agents could be forced to close. Oh dear!!!

Electro Kevin has written gone after Thames Valley Plod for the shameful way our wardead are treated.

1 comment:

Electro-Kevin said...

You forgot 1 in 5 murders in the UK committed by immigrants.