Wednesday 16 April 2008


Straw told he cannot block release of most dangerous robbers, rapists and paedophiles. Anyone remember the TV show The Equaliser'. If the government are not going to deal with criminals then it must be left to private enterprise!!!!

A Living Lie. A good summary of Obama.

Downfall of a decent clan: What the Shannon family reveals about the social breakdown of Britain. I think some serious sterilization is needed. We have an under-class of lazy, ignorant people who feed off the state and serve no useful purpose. Time to get rid of them.

Prince William flies multi-million pound RAF Chinook helicopter to cousin's Isle of Wight stag do... and picks up Harry on the way. And why not. Given the chance we would all do the same and you can get a lot of beer in a chinook. I bet that not one of the people who criticise him for this have ever served their country.

RAF flying instructor terrorised golf fans by flying low over the Open to impress student. 400ft is not terrorising. Now 50ft would have been more imprsessive.

A top obstetrician on why men should NEVER be at the birth of their child. A man's place during the birth of his offspring is down the pub with his mates. Giving birth is woman's work so let them get on with it in peace.

Vitamin pills 'increase risk of early death'. So does smoking, drinking and shagging with the Sergeant-Majors wife!!!!

Gordon Brown seeks Wall Street help on the economy. With any luck they will tell him to f**k off. He wrecked our economy and must be mde to pay for it.

Robert Mugabe's terror victims tell of beatings. Does anyone have the balls to do something about this?

Nato making mistake in Afghanistan, warns Turkish minister. Only an idiot would trust an effing Turk.

Thousands to have usual credit lines cut off. It's payback time for all those people who have been living off their houses rising value. I have no sympathy for these people.

Thabo Mbeki will be taken to task by UN over crisis in Zimbabwe. Nail the bastard. Then send in the troops.


old and angry said...

wrt "The Equaliser",
we have waited toooooo long,
for his return.

Brian said...

"RAF flying instructor terrorised golf fans by flying low over the Open to impress student. 400ft is not terrorising. Now 50ft would have been more imprsessive."

Now that's what a Chinook should be used for instead of a bee-in-a-bottle Grob Tutor.

richard mcenroe said...

50 feet is impressive? If he didn't come back with a five iron dangling from his landing gear, he didn't do it right.

Anonymous said...

Re: Mugabe - I regret that regardless of having the balls or not, the UK armed forces do not have the means to mount any action against Mugabe - at least, not before such time as withdrawal from the Gulf and Afghanistan becomes practicable, and that looks like being a fair while.