Wednesday 30 April 2008


MPs: the 2012 London Olympics chiefs are 'spending money like water'. The Olympics are going to bankrupt us!

Sixth formers paid £5 to teach lessons because they do a 'better job' than supply staff. You couldn't make it up.

The English adventurer who settled on a tiny Pacific island 145 years ago ... and left everyone with Gloucestershire accent. Lucky he wasn't a Geordie!!

Planned prison pay rise abandoned. We pay the bastards!!!

Barclays Bank accused of aiding Robert Mugabe regime. Barclays are without a doubt the worst bank in Britain. The rest are not much better.

Martin McGuinness will lead Iraq peace mission. What does this terrorist scumbag know about peace?

Secret tax adds £200 to cost of running family cars. I feel a protest coming on.

South Africa shields Robert Mugabe at UN. Why are we wasting time at the UN?


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr English as a Second Language. When are you going to turn back on comment moderation?
You can't enjoy getting called out for the fucking moron you demonstrably are. (I know that's a big word, perhaps you better look it up).

Anonymous said...

It's been five years

The IAEA said there were no weapons. The inspectors did not believe that Saddam Hussein was reconstituting his nuclear program. The chemical weapons were not being found. They had already been destroyed. I knew this because it was being openly reported in the news. If one bothered to look.

I did not know about the memo that said that "the intelligence and the facts were being fixed around the policy". But I didn't need to.

I am sorry. I am sorry that I didn't fight harder. I am sorry that I continue to expect less from my elected officials than to stop this. That I still don't raise my voice loud enough.

I'm sorry.

Our soldiers deserve better than this.

Anonymous said...

It's been five years

The IAEA said there were no weapons. The inspectors did not believe that Saddam Hussein was reconstituting his nuclear program. The chemical weapons were not being found. They had already been destroyed. I knew this because it was being openly reported in the news. If one bothered to look.

I did not know about the memo that said that "the intelligence and the facts were being fixed around the policy". But I didn't need to.

I am sorry. I am sorry that I didn't fight harder. I am sorry that I continue to expect less from my elected officials than to stop this. That I still don't raise my voice loud enough.

I'm sorry.

Our soldiers deserve better than this.

Anonymous said...

Martin McGuinness - an IRA terrorist (sorry for the redundancy) - going to Iraq on a peace mission. That's almost as ironic as places like Saudi Arabia, Cuba and the People's Republic being members of the UN Commission on Human Rights.
Will the London Olympics or the socialist government bankrupt us first? Who knows. But they'r both giving it their best shot.