Sunday 13 April 2008

The Sunday Best.....

Zimbabwe to hold partial recount. Anyone want to guess the winner!

Pictures that should shame us all reveal the shabby way Britain treats its heroes. It is disgusting! Our troops deserve better.

Reshuffle could spell the end of two jobs for Defence Secretary Des Browne. Better still shoot the worthless sack of s***.

Berlusconi set for victory as Italy goes to the polls And I thought he was in jail!!

Outrage over Alan Yentob's £27,000 BBC expenses claim... including a £120 cake. Sack him and get rid of the licence fee.

Victory for Armed Forces Day campaign. About bloody time too. The 21st of October will do fine.

Barack Obama regrets comments about 'bitter' small-town Americans. He isn't going to the White House.

Iraqi neighbours rise up against al-Qa'eda. We are winning.

Terror revolt rocks Gordon Brown. Bye bye bozo.

Pirates can claim UK asylum. Not if we shoot them they can't. The Human Rights Act must go.

Des Browne misled MPs on Nimrod. I still say shoot the bastard.

Army has killed 7,000 Taliban. They need bigger weapons. 70,000 would be a better figure. We will get there.

Robert Mugabe digs in with farm terror campaign. We must send in troops.

Cronies with blood on hands fear arrest if president Robert Mugabe resigns. He will be shot long before he resigns.

More than 200 dead as battle rages in Baghdad. Nice of somebody to notice. Not a mention on the TV news. The MSM are not interested in 'good' news.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s an 800mph jet car. Woooooo hooooo!

Biofuels go from saviour to villain. Food or fuel?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tony Stewart will do it. Tony Stewart can drive anything. That Jet car would be a piece of cake for him.