Friday 11 April 2008

You have to watch this....

..while trying to get stuff to create a tribute vid for the guys out there I came across this fantastic vid. It's worth a look. This is for all the good guys who fell in Fallujah 2006. Semper Fi. You will not be forgotten. Rest in peace.


Nozzle said...

You do not want to fuck with these guys...It will definitely prove fatal. Something al Qaeda and the insurgency have gotten a belly-full of. Two-bit fucking terrorists taking on US historical joke.

Peregrine John said...

Wow. Just freakin' wow, the whole way through. The fade at 4:15 is pure genius.

"When it absolutely, positively has to get destroyed overnight: U.S.M.C."

Anonymous said...

Are these the fuckers that went in and killed a load of civilians at the war-crime called Fallujah ? Roasting streets of people who they neither knew nor cared if they were civilian or not ??

Are they related to the war criminals who carried out the Haditha atrocity ?

These fuckers will die a horrible death and it will have been coming to them the day they decided that 'might is right'. Ignorant bastards.

Nozzle said...

anonymous...I think your boyfriend is calling you...It's time for your tonsil tickling...Marines exists to bring horrible deaths to the enemy. And, they happen to be damn good at it...

Anonymous said...


Haditha was a myth....

better yet, fuck you.

Your not worthy of a reach around while these guys are cornholing you, ignorant fuck......

Anonymous said...

Peace doesnt mean absence of War.

Doing nothing to protect the innocent is evil.

Right has Right to Might.