Friday 11 July 2008

Tony Christie - Avenues and Alleyways 1973

What was this the theme to?


Anonymous said...

The Protectors

Suddenly, I feel old!

Anonymous said...

I'm not ashamed to say that I got roped into seeing him on a tour a couple of years ago when he was in the charts with 'amarillo' [or in fact shortly after Peter Kay did the thing, and his single was re-released]

I hadn't realised he'd done that 'walk like a panther..' thing.

His enthusiasm made up for any musical shortcomings, and he got a standing ovation, which given the number of pensioners in the audience was no mean feat !

Unknown said...

I remember it as a great series when I was a kid but according to Gerry Anderson's biography, Robert Vaughn was a total Sh*t throughout.