Saturday 20 September 2008

Time for Some Campaignin'

H/T Casasquirrels

Big version here


old and angry said...

Palin & McCain get my vote!
(even though i'm not American )
Those Democrat minded folks in the USA need only to see what's happened to our once Great Britain under a Democrat (New Labour ) administration.
And think again!

Mr. Dart said...

The best part is when, after prancing through the forest charming the birds and beasts, Obama jumps on a flying white unicorn that farts rainbows. The perfect symbol for Mr. HOPE & CHANGE.

richard mcenroe said...

Sarah Palin Meets the Greats!

Proceeds go to funding our weekly counterprotest march against the lefties, or just have a good laugh on the house!

richard mcenroe said...

Isn't that Clinton by the overturned car, looking up her dress?