Monday 10 November 2008

Click to enlarge.

H/T Don Emslie

1 comment:

JoeC said...

And, as I was told (growing up in the 60's) by my neighbor (an auto parts salesman):

"Remember, all the parts falling off that car are of genuine British quality."

A phrase spoken by my neighbor in comment about the smoking pile of ruin that once was an MG, lovingly restored over a couple of years by his neighbor, gone in a few moments of intense flame...a pyre beside the road raised in homage to genuine British quality (or a loose fuel line).

Or the phrase uttered by the neighbor on the other side as he once again tried to get his Austin Healy to fire up.

A phrase I speak to my brother-in-law as he is yet again rescued from where ever he was going while driving his genuine MG to the latest rally.....

But then I belabor the point....