Monday 3 November 2008


Brown's £17,000 tax raid on EVERY private pension... as value of gold-plated public sector schemes soars to £1trillion. A disgrace. He has plunged millions into an impoverished retirement whilst keeping his union chums in a lifestyle to which they are not entitled.

Muslim chef sues Met police after being asked to cook sausages and bacon for '999 breakfasts'. Why was he employed in the first place?

Brown shakes hands with Al Qaeda men at centre that 'positively brainwashes' fanatics. Traitor. He is selling out Britain to the Arabs.

Iraqi city calls for US raids on Syria. A long overdue development. Syria and Iran have been getting away with supporting the terrorists for too long.

Barack Obama victory will hurt US firms - and world economy. No sh*t.

Troops to get new hi-tech body armour after criticism over poor protection. About bloody time too although it is still a couple of years away.

Too many solicitors are no good in court, say barristers. No good anywhere else either.

They are dancing and cheering, but Barack Obama’s army is sick with anxiety. Scared sh*tless they are.

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