Thursday 27 November 2008


Mumbai terrorist attacks: Troops launch operation to free hostages. This will not end well. Islam proves once again that is a threat to civilization.

Not a single rasher of bacon served to UK forces is British. An effing disgrace. The MoD are a joke.

Lesbian soldier pestered for sex by her male boss wins 'obscene' £200,000 payout. Greedy dyke. She now wants to join the police so expect another similar lawsuit in a couple of years.

It's great news for the impatient gentleman - women say foreplay is overrated. Australian's idea of foreplay: 'Brace yourself Sheila'!!

Drugs police raid grandmother's home... after mistaking TOMATO plants for cannabis. The Keystoners at it again.

Barack Obama plans 20,000 troop surge to boost Afghan effort. Bulls**t. General Petreaus and Dubya have been planning a surge in Afghanistan and have been for some time. Obama is already gettting a Napoleon Complex.

Should Thabo Mbeki be blamed for the early deaths of 365,000 people from Aids? Not to mention the thousands dying from cholera in Zimbabwe where he is keeping Mugabe in power.

Intelligence chiefs were expecting Al-Qaeda spectacular. A two year old could have predicted it. We need to up our game to eradicate radical islam.


Things To Be Thankful For In A Troubled World. by Jules

Bird of the Week: Eastern Wild Turkey.

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