Friday 23 January 2009


Yo, Brits. Jonah's coming to town.

Now it's official: We ARE in a recession as figures reveal worst slump for over 28 years. Make that a depression. Labour have succeeded in wrecking the economy, AGAIN.

Credit crunch crimewave: Burglaries up, knife attacks up and a row over fiddled figures. Jackie Smith continues to lie through her teeth.

British troops on same ward as Taliban: Soldiers' fury as wounded wake up next to the enemy. Not on. Anyway why are we taking prisoners.

MELANIE PHILLIPS: Arrogant, ignorant and out of his depth, is Banana Boy Miliband our worst Foreign Secretary ever? Yes, but there again this is the most incompetant and corrupt government Britain has ever had.

Chinese media issues stinging attack on Barack Obama and George W Bush. It is time for us all to stop buying crap 'Made in China'. There are plenty of other nations who can make stuff cheaply. It is a pity that Britain no longer manufactures anything in any quantity.

Three rural post offices closed every week. We have lost the Post Office, the shop, the Pub, the garage and the church in the last 4 years.

Barack Obama reclaims 'moral high ground' after George Bush era. Bullshit. He can either transfer the Gitmo terrorists to a stateside prison or give them a full pardon and send them home with 'compensation'. I know which one the liberals who got him into the White House want.

Israel seizes on claims Gaza death toll has been exaggerated. Of course it is. The palestinians are too illiterate to count and their media sympathisers think 2 + 2 = 400.

Fidel Castro hints his health is failing. Another case of dead man talking.

Russian oligarchs forced to sell yachts and jets as worldwide recession bites. Sympathy? No chance.

Jacob Zuma ally in South Africa's ANC 'brutally assassinated'. South Africa is heading for trouble.

Islamic cleric advises worshippers to rape and beat wives. Will the Aussies kick him out?

John Hutton ‘deceived MPs over Navy cuts’. Lying sack of s**t.

Two gaffes in Mr Obama's first four minutes as president. Do you miss George Bush yet?

A major Bush rule gets scrapped by Obama. Shows no respect for his 'office'.

Chinese student beheaded at Virginia Tech. This beheading thing is becoming far too common.

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