Sunday 15 February 2009

This is how you question people about bonuses.......

.......Rep. Manzullo Questions Bailout Czar Neel Kashkari


tsgt said...

Manzullo for president.

Kashkari looked like was going to start crying at the end there.

Doug said...

Government is the greediest of the greedy. If only Manzullo were as hard on his own employer as he is on these bankers, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd would be on trial to defend THEIR salaries and perks in light of THEIR abysmal performances.

Fat chance.

Cap'm said...

This bonus could have been paid to a lower level exec. that saved the AIG, as he said, that is 80% owned by the US tax payer,(blood is now shooting out of my eyes), 10's or 100's of millions in losses, we just dont' know. What did this exec to to earn the bonus, that's the question, not does he deserve it, maybe he does. You can't find this kind of stuff out at these dog and pony shows, these are the biggest wast of tax payer's money. How dare a Washington politcal hack, R or D, talk to anyone about wasting tax payer's money, what a F'ing joke.