Wednesday 4 March 2009


I'm old enough to remember president LBJ's "War on Poverty" (and to have seen just how WELL that idea worked), and in this context I can truly appreciate the GENIUS of Obama. He has cut right to the chase and wil be known for his "War on Prosperity!"

Of course the 52-percenters will see this as "free money"...especially those who receive MORE $$$ government spending than they pay in taxes.

When Obama says "skin in the game" understand that it's the TAXPAYERS getting skinned by the TAXSPENDERS.
- Your guess is as good as mine how long 40% of the population can carry the freeloaders.

Yeah. I'm REALLY impressed by this whole "wealth redistribution" concept. After all, it worked out so very well for Bobby Mugabe in Zimbabwe it's just gotta work for us too!


Peregrine John said...

This whole thing would be pretty hilarious to me if I weren't about to get clobbered by it.

What is funny is that graphic with Obama pondering his options. I'd messed with (a larger version of) the same image using very similar words and submitted it for consideration in IMAO's lolbama post for next week. Great (or warped) minds, and all that.

Unknown said...

Someone should do this graph for the UK , AND publicise it!