Monday 2 March 2009

A whole stack of 10th Amendment stuff......

Glenn Beck - 20 States Move to Declare Sovereignty. If you only watch one of these make it this one.

Washington and other US states claim sovereignty

20 + States Declaring Sovereignty Under the 10th Amendment!!! Pennsylvania State Rep Sam Rohrer

Increasing Number of States Declaring Sovereignty. Representative Matt Shea

H/T Peter Gunn


LifeoftheMind said...

There are multiple competing forces at work in the sovereignty movement.
1) Many of those raising the issue are cranks, bigots, anti-semites.
2) The Union won the Civil War and 600,000 died to settle the issue.
3) The States Rights advocates are probably right on the Constitutional issues.
4) State and local governments are viewed as corrupt and often inefficient.
5) The Federal government is viewed as more professional and less corrupt, if also inefficient.

Unless the majority fear the Federal government more than they do corrupt local government the efforts to enforce the Constitution will fail.

On a historical note, Lincoln fought the war under the legal fiction that the Southern States had been overthrown by a series of coup d’etat and the Union was invading them to restore constitutional government. The seceding states claimed the Constitution had been broken by the refusal of Northern states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act. The crisis was precipitated by the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dred Scott case that no African American could ever become a free citizen. That over-reaching ruling that effectively turned every state into a slave state was badly reasoned, probably unconstitutional and therefor proved a justification for the subsequent acts of the Northerners that the South improperly relied upon to justify secession.

Murray said...

So Obama really is going to be Lincoln V2.0

Good luck with that.

James Higham said...

To destabilize the union is the goal of the NAAC and it is helped by secessionism across the nation.