Friday 3 April 2009

Bending over at the Rico

Here is a shot of TOTUS Obama at the G-20 with the King of Saudi Arabia.

No, he's NOT giving the King an Ipod or a set of DVD's.

The media will "spin" this as our Barry Hussein's deferential "bowing down" but I subscribe to Frank Zappa's view that "...there is a BIG difference between bowing down and BENDING OVER!"

Can you imagine the media firestorm if the eeevil-Bushitler had done this? Anyone remotely recall the unending crapfiesta that spewed from the MSM over Bush and the King briefly holding hands (definitely NOT a big deal in the Arab world OR in Nancy Pelosi's constituency)?

Great work Mr. Hopey-changeytude! Insult the United Kingdom repeatedly and spread your cheeks for the King of Saudi Arabia.

It really says a lot, but most of the 52% who were gulled into voting you into orifice won't be able to understand what just happened here.


LifeoftheMind said...

This is a major big time serious, any President up to now would have been facing Impeachment and Cabinet resignations serious.

FDR had to serve King George hot dogs when he came to America to show that we are all equal. Good courtesy is an absolute, unlike what Obama did, but any bow or subservience is absolutely forbidden.

Not a sheep said...

Did the Obamamessiah bow to HRH Queen Elizabeth II as well or does he only bow before despots?