Wednesday 1 April 2009

Light News.....

G20 summit: Barack Obama lands on 'small island near Europe'. At least they didn't say part of Europe. The fact that the poor old Queen is having this Bozo foisted upon her is a disgrace. Obama and his wife hate Britain.

BBC 'too harsh' in licence fee letters, says BBC Trust report. Just get rid of the licence fee.

Clinton hails 'promising signs' of thaw with Iran. She really has no idea.

The Chechen warlords murdered across the world. Looks like the KGB are back in business.

Taleban: we will launch attack on America that will amaze world. And Pakistan will become a car park.

Zimbabwe prisoners in 'hell on earth' die from disease and hunger. Has the Marxist Muppet ever heard of Zimbabwe. Actually I fear he and Mugabe have a lot in common.

Iran hits out at American troop surge in Afghanistan. While Hillary is kissing their butts.

US surge troops see highway as road to freedom in Afghanistan. Let hope the surge works.


Nota reargunner said...

Why so cynical about the Obama, illegitimate offspring of a possible Mau Mau terrorist?
Remember how many thousands of Kenyans Mau Mau murdered, not counting the Brit Ex Pats who made Kenya liveable, along with swaths of disease infested Africa.
Instead of solving the problems of Africa, the Do-Gooders have imported the diseases into Europe and North America. Just a few small facts worth considering contrasted against this mindless euphoria.

Anonymous said...

Cyborg spotted in London

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway we can keep Obama from being let back into the United States???

LifeoftheMind said...

Sure any CBP officer can stop him and say that his citizenship is under dispute and insist that he produce proof. After everyone has a good laugh and signs off the rounds expended as training they can go on secure in the knowledge that the media wouldn't even report it.

Pakistan will become a car park? How, Obama just agreed with Putin to cut America's nuclear arsenal.