Sunday 17 May 2009

BNP... where their voters really come from...

Yet it is also, fundamentally, Old Labour. It would take the railways back into public ownership. It rejects globalisation. It believes in strong trade unions and that as much of industry as possible should be owned by those who work in it. In these respects it reminds you that Oswald Mosley left the Labour Party in 1931 to form the party that ultimately became the British Union of Fascists because Labour had rejected his plan to defeat mass unemployment with a programme of public investment. It is no coincidence that campaign leaflets in white working-class areas describe the BNP as "the Labour Party your grandfathers voted for".

From this piece in the Telegraph. The UK best hope that the "protest" vote goes to UKIP and not the neo-Nazi BNP.

Rod Liddle makes a valid point about the BNP, but ruins it with an ignorant attack on Lynyrd Skynrd that borders on libel. He seems to think that because Griffin has it as a ring-tone that means all LS listeners are racists and so is the band. He spouts off some bollocks about the song "Sweet Home Alabama" because of a reference to then governor of the state. He, and obviously Griffen, completely miss the point of the song. I posted a comment in disgust let's hope its published.


Minicapt said...

"Sweet Home Alabama"? Leningrad Cowboys were the better version, less self-referential, more authentic.


Thud said...

Yes, I was quite surprised to find out via Liddle I'm a racist due to my rather outmoded musical live and learn.