Thursday 11 June 2009

Interesting convergence...

First of all we have a German-American jew-hating scumbag going nuts at the DC Holocaust Museum. He was fortunately shot by several brave security guards, one of which was injured. The guy is a 9/11 truther as well naturally.

The guy ran a web-site where he blamed everything on the Jews which might have been a clue he was prone to this sort of looniness. Maybe instead of bothering Tea Party organisers the Homeland Security types might actually pay attention to the people like this. Needless to say the frothing left has already blamed this on "right-wingers," (cause you know national socialists are such good "conservatives") because it hides the jew-hatred in their midst.

Alas, his rampage has killed a security guard at the museum. A brave man who paid the ultimate sacrifice doing his job.

Rick Moran has a sensible piece on this heinous act.

Update: It seems that the shooter frequented meetings of the Friends of the British National Party according to the Washington Times. Lets see the BNP fans commenting at PJM get out of this one.

In other news, Jeremiah Wright has said he has been denied access to Obama because of the Jews around him. Wonder if the frothing left consider him a "right-winger" as well?

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