Tuesday 9 June 2009

Our future..................from Rico

The OMB has a 'new' chart out.

For anyone who has not had too much kool-aid to drink and is inured to the current hopey-changey reality avoidance mentality it is very bad news.
- The rest are going to get a very nasty surprise.

This is our future. Deny it. Ignore it. Wish it away. It is coming, and coming for all of us.

There are three ways to solve the dilemma Team Obama has put us into:

1. Cut spending.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! Yeah. Right. Don't hold your breath.

2. Inflation (these numbers suggest inflating the money supply 100%).

3. Increasing taxes (again, at least by 60% to plug the current hole).

And bear in mind, government numbers are always lower when forecast then they turn out to be in reality at the end of the day

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