Friday 12 June 2009

What the hell is it?



James said...

just a guess but it looks like some kind of amphibious transport, +/- WWII era?....

Ed Miller said...

That's what I was thinking, James!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

An Albanian bomber circa 1966?

Lola said...

Is it maybe a snocat?

Brian said...

A car of 20s/30s vintage. Not an aeroplane so I'm at a complete loss.

Unknown said...


The Grey Man said...

Due to increases needed in other areas, both the UK MOD and the US DOD are experiencing severe cutbacks. Therefore they have decided to cooperate on the next generation US/UK tank. Named after it's co-sponsors, Gordon Brown and Barak Obama, the Go-Bama tank is the first totally eco-friendly tank ever produced. It will be powered by a combination of pixie dust and unicorn flatulence, as soon as these sources can be found.

Instead of nasty guns, the Go-Bama will have an audio system to play, at environmentally acceptable volume levels, selections of Obama's speeches promoting Hope and Change. The audio can also play inspirational selections from the Koran, to prove to any enemy our willingness to totally cooperate, and to extol them on to an ethno-friendly victory over us opressors.

The Go-Bama will be produced in record numbers by immigrant workers in both the US and UK. The White House and Number 10 issued a joint release announcing that formerly illegal immigrants will now be known as "policy required immigrant contractors", or PRICs. Mr. Brown stated "To be proactive, I've already allowed millions of PRICs into the country, and will bring in millions more".

At a recent press conference, a right wing extremist journalist asked why the Go-Bama would be powered by the pixie dust and unicorn flatulence when those sources had yet to be discovered. President Obama said that trillions of dollars of stimulus money would be allocated for research, and that all new production Go-Bamas would be immediately recycled. A senior white House staffer said "I hope the millions of PRICs we're paying for research and those "green" recycling jobs as well as manufacturing will remember who's paying them in 2012."

Moonshiner said...

It's a two-door sedan rat rod.

Lola said...

It could be a funnycar in build? The bodywork looks old and like rusty steel. But there are new dampers with plated nuts and bolts. There is evidence of modern welding and the prop looks newer than the axle despite the dent or twist. The roofline may have been sliced lower.

But I would guess that it has been run because the bettery is connected.

Go on Theo, tell us what it is?

rb said...

Bucky Fuller's Dymaxion Car?

Bill O' Rites said...

Snowmobile of some kind.

Moonshiner said...

Lola, funny car's don't have shock absorbers (dampers) or batteries (betteries). {;^)

Google Image Search 'rat rod sedan'.

Minicapt said...

Post-war family flivver based on the Bell Airacobra?
