Wednesday 22 July 2009

The Face of the Left

Workin' Stiffs

"The left has its first president -- with the possible exception of Franklin Delono Roosevelt -- and for the first time controls the Democratic Party and both houses of Congress. In the name of compassion for the sick and the poor and in the name of preventing worldwide environmental
catastrophe, it is attempting to remake America.

"In so doing some principals of the left are becoming clearer to more Americans." Dennis Prager, American Voters May Be Catching On

Not Sustainable, Dudes! Serious raiding of non-existent treasures means one thing: Taxpayers Bail Government Hacks Out of the Soup Line. Ah, the Democrats! Party of the Workin' Man! Scotty figures we're in for Carterism. Looks like he's right: Porkflation.

"No one wants to tell the speaker that she's moving too fast and they damn sure don't want to tell the president."

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