Sunday 26 July 2009

"Free" health care.....from Rico

It took Obama six months to pick a dog, but he wants a Health Care Bill by next week?

Who's he kidding?

Besides, that $700+ billion "stimuless" that we just HAD to have RIGHT AWAY worked so very well that what's another TRILLION or so to "fix" the best health care system in the world? Surely we can trust gooberment to handle that!?
- Besides, it'll doubtless be "free" right? (ignoring the caveat 'it's worth exactly what you paid for it' because with gov't intervention we'll easily pay double and get half, at best).....although my own definition of 'free' health care is for gov't (this is for YOU Obama, you too Congress) keep its incompetent hands OFF of health care and leave it alone.

To paraphrase: It ain't broke, so don't 'fix- it!!!!!

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