Tuesday 21 July 2009

Looking for a Few Good Americans

San Francisco Banker-Turned-Boxer James Corbett,
Who Became the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the U.S.

An abiding premise at Washington Rebel is that there are plenty of real Americans out there who might actually . . . . rebel. Finally. Sometime. Maybe. Oh, their arms are smaller; many look like girls. But, there may yet come a day when Americans fortify their blood with oxygen and actually decide they don't want to be shipped around like cattle in cars just to make guys like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod happy.

It could happen!

There are signs!

The Battle Begins: The ATF vs. the Constitution "A line was drawn in the sand last week - a response by the Federal Government to the State of Tennessee and their assertion of sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution."

Sheriff Richard Mack: Used to see more of these kind of guys around.

Eye of Newt: Gingrich Thinks the Country is on the Edge of Catastrophe. Yeah. We think so, too.

Jennifer Rubin: Obama's Summer of Discontent

Palin to Washington: Constitutional Rights Asserted in Growing Resistance to Washington

"Liberals are uniformly defined by their hypocrisy and dissociation from reality. For example, the wealthiest U.S. senators -- Democrats -- fancy themselves as defenders of the poor and advocate the redistribution of wealth, but they hoard enormous wealth for themselves and have never missed a meal. They have always been far more dedicated to their country clubs than our country." Mark Alexander, Pathology of the Left

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