Tuesday 14 July 2009

The Snub

Seeking Your Vote

"Remember when Obama slyly gave Hillary the single digit salute in a campaign speech, and his fans in the audience laughed their heads off?

"I've been thinking about that inspiring moment in American politics. I can't imagine any other president doing it, ever. Lincoln wouldn't have done it to Douglas; Jefferson wouldn't have dreamt of doing it to Madison. Even Bill Clinton wouldn't have done it, at least in public. Dick Morris wrote a book describing Bill Clinton clowning it up in the Oval after lying to the public about taxes. But even Clinton got his malignant yucks in private." James Lewis, The Trickster

Learn from Russia, America, the proper way to handle these things!

El Diablo Snubbed

1 comment:

John Q Public said...

Barry appears to be introducing the guy, not having his handshake snubbed... duh.