Sunday 26 July 2009

Triumph or Hell?...........from Rico

It is a TRIUMPH for the government-run education system, the NEA, and the Dept of Education!!!!!!! [see attached map-poll]

The American public is now so effing-stupid and ignorant that they are now ripe for the picking by hack ideologues (D). "Progressives" marching boldly into the past, choosing fairycake MMGW over Pasteur, and taxing once-free men back into serfdom with impunity.

Socialized medicine. Cap and Trade. Trillion dollar deficits. A national debt that places a six-digit debt obligation on every American. Double-digit unemployment. The shrinking Dollar. Foreign creditors pushing for a new global currency to replace the Dollar. A POTUS who is revealed as more clueless with each passing day.

Welcome to Hell. Welcome to Obamaland.

Embrace it, because it surely is embracing YOU!!!

1 comment:

Murray said...

The comedian is the guy they trust the most????

Even Jon Stewart is appaled by this.