Saturday 8 August 2009

Here's Lookin' at You, Stupid!

Bill Maher: "Obama is a Prince; You are a Doody Head. Get over it and accept your fate."

Is Granny Toast under Obamacare?

Only if You're a Nazi

Nice people don't think mean Nazi thoughts. Like Nazi Republican troglydyte racists. Homophobes. Patriarchs.

"Their views were also sold by right-wing franchise operators. Laura Ingraham warned that government bureaucrats would “come to an old person’s house’’ - yeah, house calls! - for scary death chats. Randall Terry, the Zelig of the pro-life movement, said this was an attempt to 'kill Granny.'’’

Right-wing franchise operators, Ellen? Not Exactly Norman Rockwell's America, is it?

I live in a Democratic county. There's a definite chill these last few days. Nice Guy Obama is looking and smelling Chavez-esque. He's got Wal_Mart shopping Doody Heads worried -- Doody Heads with more intelligence than Maher.

If you're interested, I wrote my own Dear Obama letter. Vanderleun wrote one, too. "Thank You for Letting Me Share."

Does our President have a history with the "Devil's weed wherein lurks murder, insanity, death"? Vanderleun Has the Munchies.

Lynch Mob in St. Louis

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