Tuesday 4 August 2009

Lame...............from Rico

I always thought the Leftards a bit "lame" ...but when a respected magazine like the Economist refers to Obama as a 'lame duck' after only six months, it not only seals-the-deal that our own domestic MSM are lapdogs to the Democratic (C) Ministry of Truth, but assures me there ARE still sane people out there.

We'll doubtless survivie this exceedingly "lame" President. He may cripple and "lame" America, but we WILL survive the like of him...but I wonder whether our ancestors will curse us for our allowing him to do so.

When 'the Joker' Obama posters start appearing on the Left coast (I think the first were spotted in a Kali-foh-nia city) where Harry Pelosi isn't radical enough for them, you know there is trouble brewing in paradise!!

1 comment:

fboness said...

Obama has lost the urban counter culture street artists. It's over.