Monday 17 August 2009

Save me from deep space asphyxiation!

Under threat of of being thrown out the air lock I have decided to take the option of telling Oswald Bastable how good his poetry is.

I particularly liked they way he used the imagry to counterpoint the surelism of the underlying metaphore...

alternately you can just buy his book Meddlers in Time yourself. Do it now, do it today before he has a hyperspace by-pass built through our planet.

You can’t change history, can you?

No- but you can make a new reality, when you alter events. ‘Meddlers in Time’ explores the shaping of a parallel earth, by altering events in 9th century England.

A small band of time-traveling adventures recruit a specialist team, mainly of engineers and set about advancing 9th century technology. While doing this, they have to fight off invasions, win over the local population and have a bit of fun along the way.

Buy Waynes book for a paltry $2.50, he needs to buy more handguns and shoot stuff so you know its a good cause.


Oswald Bastable said...

OK- you will be spared when I achieve total world domination.

BTW- the next book in the series has quite a bit of flinging people out of airlocks.

When they really piss my characters off, they put them in a suit first...

Anonymous said...

History is written by the winners. They can also rewrite it to be something completely different.

They can for example rewrite history to turn Hitler into a rightwing extremist when he was a leftwing extremist.
They can turn Mandela into a good guy when he was a terrorist.

etc. etc.

So you can change history. Suppress some knowledge, inject some other, make up things to suit what you want them to be, and shortly noone will be the wiser as long as you control enough of the means of spreading information.
And as all of history is information and what people think it is, that's all it takes to change history.

Murray said...

Flinging you say... I have something of a reputation in that field.