Monday 7 September 2009

Meltdown approaching...........

Why the Obama Administration Will Implode In Weeks.

Obama is fast losing white voters' support.

H/T Paul N

1 comment:

Nozzle said...

Megrahi's release could be the story of the decade for the world media if they choose to act...It has all the drama, the international intrigue, and a cast of characters not unlike a James Bond movie...Brown maneuvered to release Megrahi for an oil deal. Of course, Hillary and Obama were informed all along. It is unthinkable that they did not know and participate in the decision to release Megrahi. Don't forget that Pan Am 103 was an American Flag Carrier and that 189 Americans died...Moreover, Megrahi's trial and sentencing was one of international agreement given the international nature of the slaughter...For the United States, however, this was an unprecented act of Air Piracy. We have had a seat at the table all these years with regard to finding and prosecuting the perpetrators of this crime. It is unthinkable that our government was not consulted prior to the release of Megrahi. The upshot and plot to this movie is that the US and UK governments conspired to release a monster. The UK get the oil deal and Obama shows deference to his muslim brothers...I agree that meltdown is fast approaching for Obama. Get the popcorn, sit back and enjoy the movie.