Monday 26 October 2009

ANNUIT COEPTIS - we're in trouble now.............from Rico

Ten states in the US contributed 55% of the national GDP. Six of those 10 states have unemployment rates over 10% (these are the jiggered "official" reported figures, which are about, say, half).

In 2008 the US GDP was $14.6 triliion. Ten states provided $7.89 trillion of that amount ---
the other 40 states $6.71 trillion.
- Drilling-down further, the top five states contributed 40% of the GDP.

Will smaller states (also dealing with high unemployment) pick up the slack, or take the strain? [Forgive my nautical terminology here, but sailors will know exactly what I mean by this.]

Twenty-seven million [?] unemployed and under-employed people have to be asking themselves where the Hell that $13 trillion in bail-outs went. It sure didn't go to create jobs for them!

On a brighter note, I recommend the PUMA Index to you. You can pick the equities market to watch, and IF it is "tanking" that day, the host model loses clothing (until reaching her Puma bodywear), as they say, at least while YOU are losing your shirt so are they!

The Puma Index

As the former Grateful Dead used to sing: "...I may be going to Hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride!..."

1 comment:

UK Houston said...

Let me introduce you to Mr. Hyperlink. He's the guy you use when you post some statistical or other source information, allowing your readers to go look for themselves. (Your Puma link suggests you have been introduced to Mr. HL, but you don't seem to be clear on the concept.)
Nice blog, by the way.