Monday 12 October 2009

"Holocaust" Greyson gets a tea party opponent

Rep Greyson is Democrat who invoked the Holocaust in the Health Care debate on the Floor of the House of Representatives.

Here are her relevant links. I urge you to show your support for this brave lady.

Personal Facebook
Website of Campaign
Youtube Announcement


beth407 said...

It's refreshing to see such a lady standing up for America. We have to get rid of Grayson even though I must say he's doing a great job of that on his own with his comments. I know Patricia Sullivan and she is proud to stand up for us. Be asured that all the money bag lobbist out there DO NOT have ahold on her. She is just as sick and tired of what is going on in DC as we in America are. Sullivan will listen to us and speak for us in bringing back our beliefs and values that we love to the attention of those in DC. She does not believe in big government but in the power of the people. Please go to her website and help her HELP US !

K said...

Perfect. There's nothing that makes a blustering chest thumping ape look silly than having to bluster against a woman.

The exception to that is if the district is heavily unionized. In which case I recommend she carry a handgun in her purse.