Monday 26 October 2009

Relativism and OIL?....................from Rico

Relativism. That beloved concept of the progressives. Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad, true or false.

Anyone who remembers that (a) Jimmy Carter's solution to our energy problem was to wear a sweater on TV and tell us to bravely suffer and set our thermostats lower because his Department Of Energy would 'free' us of depenence on foreign oil, and (b) it was the WORST thing in the MSM's world when the price of oil hit $70/bbl under that "rich oil man" Bush, is also fully aware that (c) both a & b were complete crap, and (d) the MSM has been really-really quiet about the recent run-up to $80/bbl oil (as they have been mute on ObaMao's insistence the oval office temp. be kept well-above 80F*).

In case you happen to know any "progressive" Democrats (C), I made the above 'simple' so you could explain it to them while helping them button their sweaters and wipe their chins.

*"What is good for ME is NOT for thee" seems to be the overarching message of this administration, but the MSM a.k.a. The Minsitry of Truth hasn't figured out quite how to sell this on TV for mass consumption...yet.

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