Tuesday 3 November 2009

Don't strike the colours yet mateys!...........from Rico

Sadly, many...if not most of us feel just as described below, namely that the Obamunists have things FUBAR'ed (to use a precise military term that fits the situation EXACTLY).

It is important to remember that despite the constant drumbeat from the Ministry of Truth and the Red Shed - formerly known as the White House - (1) you and I are NOT alone, and (2) as John Paul Jones said

- (before revisionist history stopped teaching the truth and IF it deigned to mention the likes of him at all, it was as an oppresive-aggressive-white-exploiter who 'vicitmized' the poor oppressed to such an extent that their present-day descendents still feel both victimized AND entitled to a compensatory free ride upon our backs as partial expiation for the 'guilt' we all should 'feel'...a hereditary guilt that can never be paid for or expunged; but I digress)

"I have not yet begun to fight!"

To which your bloody-but-unbowed correspondent adds: Forget 'damn the torpedoes'.....

Buck wites:

'I have no clue where this thing is headed. Oscama and Co. have things so f**ked up that nobody even dares to think much less plan for any kind of future. Everywhere you look things are at a complete stand-still while all this wild bullshit about jobs and economic recovery streams out of the propagandist media like so much effluent out of a sewer main. It's coming to the point where most Americans with one or two functioning brain cells are catching on to the sad fact that this whole administration is working to destroy the country....they are enemies of the state. Since they control the legislative process there is no way in hell that this cancer can be "voted out." It's plainly evident that they must be physically dislodged and ejected...I guess that's why that Second Amendment thing was put on the books...a last resort, just in case. Hopefully, if the worst case scenario comes to pass, we can deep six all of the ridiculous, self-destructive legislation that's been hampering things for the last 30 years and go back to some basics that actually make sense, simplify the process and get this thing going again.'

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