Sunday 1 November 2009

Hockey sticks-eating out-eating..........from Rico

Here are a few "hockey stick" graphs. Fannie Mae delinquencies and an increased FDIC seizure of banks (bank failures) for starters.
- Think CRA, Bawney Fwank, Chris Dodd et al. Think Democrat. Then, you may think like I do, that this really *pucks*

Have a martini before scrolling down. Maybe a couple-three ti many martoonies!

People are not eating out any more. Not like they used to. [Minds out of the gutter, please.] The RPI chart shows the 23rd consecutive month below -zero- or below 'growth' if you will. Bad time to be in the restaurant business...


Speaking of GROWTH, this is a secret photograph of the US Government busily eating YOUR lunch while providing less-than-satisfactory or minimal performance in meeting ANY obligations to YOU Mr & Mrs Taxpayer-sucker (I liked the hyphenation shtik).
- I cannot tell if that is Bawney Fwank on his knees (a favorite position of his I hear) or Nancy Reid.

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