Monday 9 November 2009

Parade of monsters.............from Rico

In our once free and prosperous country we now have a circus parade of monsters: cunning human beings with oversized egos, with ambitions out of proportion to their ablity, whose ideas are self-serving. They do not possess skills or mental acuity, and have pushed-aside anyone with good sense from our public affairs. Instead of being right about anything, they are always wrong. They are weak, and being weak hate and fear the strong. There is nothing 'new' about them (Marx and Thucydides would recognize them), although they fancy themselves 'original' in all things.

1 comment:

moneybagzz said...

Hoping for change in 2012.

Hoping some entrepreneur somewhere starts a 'Pelosi' branch of toilet paper.

Hoping health care reform dies a horrible death.

Hoping that the USA wakes up.