Sunday 3 January 2010

Tea Party success or epic fail?

TeaParty Revolution brewing or just weak tea over at PJM. I ponder if the tea party movement has actually achieved anything. Furthermore I question where exactly they are headed now.


James Higham said...

Still worth doing though, if ony to show that there were likeminded people about.

Nozzle said...

Epic success is more like it...Obama, the democrats and the media tried insults and intimidation and it only makes the movement stronger. Teapartiers will be present when Obama and the tax and spend democrats are thrown out of office. Obama may just leave in handcuffs if he doesn't watch it...

duke said...

An excellent article!

Skip said...

Our biggest fault today is that our attention span is around 15 minutes.

Larry Sheldon said...

If it has not served notice that we are tired of RINOs abd DIABLOs, then it has failed.

But it won't matter, because we won't survive much longer anyway--a dramitic turn is required a turn to the correct.

I'm not voting for any more Nota S. Badas'.